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What is Consent?

Consent is a freely given, voluntary agreement between people that allows each individual to decide what they want and do not want and to have that respected.

For Consent to be meaningful it must be;

  • Freely given – Not pressured, forced or coerced
  • Specific to each act – Consent to one thing is not consent for anything else – you can change your mind at any time
  • Specific to each time – Consent in the past does not mean consent now or in the future
  • Consent requires free will, real choices and capacity to decide
  • Consent needs personal agency and safety, ability to express your own likes and dislikes, and that your choices are heard and respected
  • Consent may be communicated verbally or non-verbally
  • Consent lets us have fun together whilst keeping ourselves and each other safe and happy

We all have something to learn when it comes to consent and healthy relationships. To support this, we have compiled a treasure trove of resources.

You can click on the area you are interested in and play your role by learning more, spreading awareness and building a future where consent is at the cornerstone of all that we do.


To support you in your journey to learn more about consent, we have developed a series of toolkits. These toolkits are helpful guides to support you to feel knowledgeable, empowered and comfortable with talking about consent and the skills involved in doing consent. They contain straightforward tips, factual advice and practical skills. Check out our toolkits below:

  • If you want a helpful guide to having safe conversations with people in your life about consent you can check our Consent Conversation Skills toolkit. It includes sections about spotting myths, critically consuming media and active listening.
    Download the full Having a Chat BookletSelf Reflection Exercise or False Accusation Factsheet (PDF)
  • If you want to know how you can help people in your life if they disclose sexual violence to you then you can check out our Supporting Others toolkit. It includes helpful suggestions on what to do and not do and where you can signpost for professional help.
    Download the Supporting Others Summary or the full Supporting Others Booklet (PDF)
  • If you want a helpful guide to having safe conversations with people in your life about consent you can check out our Consent Skills toolkit. Here you can learn about communicating consent and receiving that communication well.
    Download the Consent Skills Summary or the full Consent Skills Booklet (PDF)


Our new video shows consent in a way we don’t often get to see it on TV. Present. Ongoing. Playful. Sexy. Funny. Real. Consent is about embracing these moments that may seem a little awkward but result in healthier, happier sexuality and people who are on the same page. Consent is about equality, respect and kindness. It’s about listening to yourself and who you’re with. It’s about noticing and hearing guidance and then taking it well. It’s about being together. Consent is for everyone, no matter your age, gender or relationship status. Consent is for you.


Consent is for all people, in all situations, in all relationships as seen in our brand-new video, airing on Sky TV from 22nd March 2023

Culture Night ’23

Noeline Blackwell is joined by Roddy Doyle, Ita O’Brien,
Lenny Abrahamson &
Sarah Gilmartin to
discuss consent &
sexual violence in
TV, film &

We-Consent 1 Year

To celebrate the We-Consent campaign turning 1 year’s old we asked our supporters & collaborators what #WeConsent means
to them.

What is consent to you?

       Why is consent so important but also challenging? RCC Midwest & We-Consent ask.

       Together we can make consent the norm & make Ireland safer! Learn more at the Resource Hub

News & Press Releases

Why Do We Find Consent So Hard?  


18 April 2024



How online porn is ­distorting men’s image of sex and leaving women frustrated


13 April 2024


Irish Independent

New research shows a growth in the awareness of consent, we speak to the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre


26 March 2024


RTE Drivetime

Breakfast Briefing – Sarah Monaghan & Shane Beatty


25 March 2024



One in five men in Ireland under 45 would ‘probably keep going’ if partner wasn’t enjoying sex, report finds


25 March 2024


‘Concerning’ attitudes to sexual consent among younger men, study finds


25 March 2024


See all news